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„What would you do for victory?”


Would you observe the situation? Would you show off your objection?Would you push yourself beyond the limits? Would you break the law? Or...

Would you start a war? These days, anything is possible. Hatred is everywhere; social media spread lies, people comment bad stuff on each other, crime is constantly being commited, victims imprisoned, perpetrators settled free, traitors leaving clans for their enemies, betrayals with other women or men.

Yes... We’ve got many examples of how lies are being told every day. Cause that’s what rules our world now. Not a single human in a monarchy, not a single thing in our routine, not our thoughts nor the political situations. Not the government. Just lies...

Yes, imagine yourself just in a situation like that:Imagine you’re at war. No, you’re not in the II World War. You’re in a regular war. A war that can take place in your future perhaps. A war where there are futuristic machines, new scientific guns, lasers, scanners, chips inside people’s bodies. Imagine you’re participating in it. Not because you’re forced to do a hell of senseless jobs for the government, not because they told you to this or that. You do it because you disagree. You disagree with the whole situation that started that damn war.

The war you’re in.

Apparently, the government has spread some lies. Lies that people believed in. They were told many things. Have you heard of the newest cure found for a lethal illness? They gave out permission to experiment on humans. Of course you have! This is the real reason you’ve found yourself at this war! You don’t want that scientific mad business. Not today nor tomorrow. So what would you do for victory? The story starts here to be continued ……ATH

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